
Faculty at the Augustine Institute seek to teach and live in full accord with the Catholic Faith as expounded by the Magisterium, in keeping with the directives of St. John Paul II’s apostolic constitution Ex corde Ecclesiae.

Teaching, mentoring, and responding to students’ work are tasks central to the work of the faculty.

The faculty also express a common pursuit of wisdom by means of academic research, writing, and speaking, as well as writing for popular audiences and speaking in apostolic contexts such as parishes.

  • Benjamin D. Akers, S.T.D.

    Associate Professor of Theology, Associate Dean

  • Michael Barber, Ph.D

    Associate Professor of Scripture & Theology

  • Mark Giszczak, Ph.D.

    Associate Professor of Sacred Scripture

  • Tim Gray, Ph.D.

    Professor of Sacred Scripture, President

  • Scott Hefelfinger, Ph.D.

    Assistant Professor of Theology

  • Sean Innerst, Ph.D

    Academic Dean

  • Elizabeth Klein, Ph.D.

    Assistant Professor of Theology

  • Brant Pitre, Ph.D.

    Distinguished Research Professor of Sacred Scripture

  • Lucas Pollice, M.T.S.

    Associate Professor of Theology and Catechetics, Director, M.A. in Leadership for the New Evangelization

  • James Prothro, Ph.D.

    Assistant Professor of Theology and Sacred Scripture

  • John Sehorn, Ph.D.

    Assistant Professor of Theology

  • Gwen Adams, Ph. D.

    Visiting Assistant Professor of Theology

  • Bronwen McShea, M.T.S., Ph.D.

    Visiting Assistant Professor of History

  • Fr. Daniel Moloney, Ph.D.

    Visiting Assistant Professor of History

  • Edward Sri, S.T.D.

    Visiting Professor of Theology

  • Jared Staudt, Ph.D.

    Visiting Associate Professor of Theology