The Augustine Institute

Founded in 2005 by Dr. Tim Gray and Dr. Jonathan Reyes, the Augustine Institute is a private graduate school of Catholic theology located in Denver, Colorado.

Inspired by Pope John Paul II’s call for a New Evangelization,

the Augustine Institute equips Catholics intellectually, spiritually, and pastorally to renew the Church and transform the world for Christ through its academic and parish programs.

The Augustine Institute is authorized by the Colorado Commission on Higher Education under the stipulations of the Degree Authorization Act to offer degrees in theology in the state of Colorado, as well as fully accredited by the Commission on Accrediting of the Association of Theological Schools (ATS).

St. Augustine

The Augustine Institute is authorized by the Colorado Commission on Higher Education under the stipulations of the Degree Authorization Act to offer degrees in theology in the state of Colorado, as well as fully accredited by the Commission on Accrediting of the Association of Theological Schools (ATS).

Why St. Augustine?

Because we are made for God but cannot come to friendship with Him without His help, we possess what St. Augustine calls a corinquietum, a restless heart, which will not come to rest until we seek Him and possess Him by way of the graces He provides to our powers of intellect, memory and will.

To undertake this search in faith, hope and charity is the purpose of human existence.

Through intellectual formation in the Catholic faith, we help our students seek the Lord in hope, and we prepare them to give a joyful and compelling account of the faith in active charity. To join this community, whether on campus or via distance education, is to heed the Apostle’s exhortation to the Romans:

Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind (12:2).